Daily Prayer

Most Holy and Adorable Trinity, one God in three persons, I firmly believe that you are here present; I adore you with the most profound humility; I praise you and give you thanks with all my heart for the favours you have bestowed on me. Your goodness has brought me safely to the beginning of this day. Behold, O Lord, I offer you my whole being and in particular all my thoughts, words and actions, together with such crosses and contradictions as I may meet with in the course of this day. Give them, O Lord, your blessing; may your Divine Love animate them and may they tend to the greater honour and glory of your sovereign majesty. Amen

All praise to you, O God, this night for all the blessings of the light; Keep us, we pray, o king of kings, beneath your own almighty wings. Forgive us, Lord, through Christ Your Son, whatever wrong this day we’ve done; Your peace give to the world, O Lord, that we might live in one accord. Enlighten us, O blessed light, and give us rest throughout this night. O strengthen us, that for Your sake, we all may serve You when we wake.

My God! I recommend to thee the souls of my relations, my benefactors, my friends and my enemies, and of those who are in purgatory on my account. I recommend to thee the souls of evangelical labourers, of religious and priests, and especially of those who had charge of my soul. I recommend to thee the souls of those who were most devout to the passion of our lord, to the Blessed Sacrament, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the souls who are most abandoned, those who suffer most, and those who are nearest to the entrance into paradise.

Lord, inspire me to read your Scriptures and to meditate upon them day and night. I beg you to give me real understanding of what I need, that I in turn may put its precepts into practice. Yet, I know that understanding and good intentions are worthless, unless rooted in your graceful love. So I ask that the words of Scripture may also be not just signs on a page, but channels of grace into my heart. Amen.

Before meals
Bless us, O Lord! and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

After meals
We give Thee thanks for all Thy benefits, O Almighty God, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

Prayer before study
Lord, pour out on us the Spirit of understanding, truth and peace. Help us strive with all our hearts to know what is pleasing to you, and when we know your will, make us determined to do it. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Prayer after study
Thank You, O Lord, for opening my eyes to the light of Your wisdom. You have gladdened my heart with the knowledge of truth. Help me, O Lord, to always do Your will. Bless my soul and body, my words and deeds. Enable me to grow in grace, virtue and good habits, that Your name may be glorified now and forever. Amen

Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant me a steady hand and watchful eye, that none be hurt as I pass by. Thou givest life. I pray no act of mine take away or mar that gift Divine. Protect those, Lord, who travel with me from highway dangers and all anxiety. Teach me to use my car for others' needs and never miss the beauty of Thy world through excessive speed. I pledge to drive with loving concern to my every destination, offering each travel hour to Thee in a spirit of reparation. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, my auto Companion, have mercy on me. Amen

O Almighty and merciful God, who hast commissioned Thy angels to guide and protect us, command them to be our assiduous companions from our setting out until our return; to clothe us with their invisible protection; to keep from us all danger of collision, of fire, of explosion, of fall and bruises, and finally, having preserved us from all evil, and especially from sin, to guide us to our heavenly home. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Receive my confession, O most loving and gracious Lord Jesus Christ, only hope for the salvation of my soul. Grant to me true contrition of soul, so that day and night I may by penance make satisfaction for my many sins. Saviour of the world, O good Jesus, Who gave Yourself to the death of the Cross to save sinners, look upon me, most wretched of all sinners; have pity on me, and give me the light to know my sins, true sorrow for them, and a firm purpose of never committing them again.

A Guide for Confession
Before going to Confession you should make a review of sins since your last sacramental confession, and should express sorrow for sins, hatred for sins and a firm resolution not to sin again.
After examining your conscience and telling God of your sorrow, go into the confessional. Begin your confession with the sign of the cross:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. My last confession was _______ weeks (months, years) ago."

After confessing the sins, listen to the words of the priest. He will assign you some penance. When invited, express the Act of Contrition:

Act of contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee, and i detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend thee, my God, who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

I pray

Daily Prayer

Holy Spirit Prayers

Way of the Cross

Christmas Novena

WYD Songs