Christmas Novena

Start on 15th December.

Glory to the Voice, the Word made flesh,
Who has come to earth to dwell with us.
We have heard and seen and touched our Lord;
Our mouths have received his flesh and blood.

Let us thank our Lord who came to us.
He gave hope and life. He saved the world.
Jesus, Mary’s child, spoke not a word;
Though, as God, he knew the tongues of all.

The Eternal Word, the Ancient One,
Joseph’s arms embraced with joy and love.
Christ was but a child, so meek and poor;
Yet so wise and strong, our King and God.

Pray the appropriate Novena prayer of the day followed by the concluding prayer.

First Day – 15th December

0 most beautiful of all Children, out of your great love for us, you wished to become man to show us the hidden beauty of your divinity in the splendor of your visible body. Through it you have drawn people to your divine love. O Beloved of the Father and the sole joy of his heart, we implore you, through your pure nativity and through the intercession of Your mother and Saint Joseph, your chosen one, to inflame our hearts with your love, and to enlighten our minds with the heavenly rays of your grace, so that we may love you with all of our hearts, and love everyone through you and for you, for you alone deserve the love of all hearts. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

Second Day - 16th December

0 Hope of the Fathers and Expectation of the People, through your birth you have given us hope. By the sweetness of your hope, You have drawn the shepherds, the magi, and all who believe in Your holy name to give the adoration that is due to you. We implore you, through your pure nativity and through the intercession of Your Mother and Saint Joseph, your chosen one, to keep us, by your grace from attachment to earthly things, from false reliance on our personal works, and from unnecessary worries. May we rely only on your fatherly direction and your divine providence. Draw our hearts and minds to contemplate on heavenly gifts, so that we place all our desires only them. Amen

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

Third Day – 17th December

0 Admirable Leader, you have guided the people to obey you, not by harshness, but by the tenderness of Your love. We implore You, through your pure nativity and through the intercession of your Mother and Saint Joseph, your chosen one, to teach us perfect obedience to Your holy commandments and to our superiors, not for fear of punishment, or constraint, or external force, but by the assent of our minds, the surrender of our hearts, the enthusiasm of our spirits, and the joy of our souls. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

Forth Day -18th December

0 Lord, Wine of the Virgins and Lily of Purity, through your body all bodies are purified and all souls are clothed in chastity. By dwelling in the womb of Your mother, you have made her the most pure and glorious of all the virgins. We implore you, through Your pure nativity and through the intercession of Your mother and Saint Joseph, your chosen one, to make our souls and bodies chaste and our thoughts and actions pure, that we may serve you all the days of our lives. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

Fifth Day 19th December

O Mighty One, seated in the heavenly heights, you left the glory of your divinity and loved the lowliness of our human nature to become our model of humility and lowliness. we implore you, through Your pure nativity and through the intercession of Your mother and Saint Joseph, Your chosen one, to give us humility of heart and the denial of ourselves, that we may remove all pride which prevents us from knowing you. We would then realize the weakness of our condition and glorify you, for you alone are holy and great is Your name. To you be glory, power, and strength. Amen.

Sixth Day – 20th December

0 Word of God, You have come from the mouth of God to be the Life for all people. You became the living bread and were born in Bethlehem, “the House of Bread”, to satisfy our hunger. We implore you through Your nativity and through the intercession of Your Mother and Saint Joseph, your chosen one, to grant us an insatiable hunger for Your pure Body and Blood. May we approach Your altars and with proper preparation receive your Sacred Mysteries for our salvation and eternal life. Amen

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

Seventh Day – 21st December

0 Lord, You are one person who has two natures, and have taught us what you have heard from the Father. We implore you through your pure nativity and through the intercession of Your Mother and Saint Joseph, your chosen one, to grant us a living faith and good works in accordance with that faith. D not permit us to lose the reward of our faith because of our wrong doings, but may we bear the fruits of true faith and good works. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

Eighth Day – 22nd December

0 King of Great Counsel, you have united the magnificence of your resplendent power with the prudence of human judgment when You, the almighty and powerful God, took flight to Egypt to escape Herod. We implore you through your pure nativity and through the intercession of Your Mother and Saint Joseph, your chosen one, to grant us sound judgment in all our actions, that we may act you wisdom and serve You all the days of our lives. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

Ninth Day - 23rd December

0 Lord, though You are rich by nature, You loved the poverty of our humanity when you became man like us. Though you were the descendent of kings and the heir of David, the venerable, you were satisfied with a grotto and a humble manger. We implore you through your pure nativity and through the intercession of Your Mother and Saint Joseph, your chosen one, to give us a love of voluntary poverty, that we may be satisfied only with is necessary for our existence, avoiding waste and the love of an easy life, all the days of our lives. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

We have offered You, O Wonderful Child and only Begotten Son, the Perfume of our incense, the desires of our hearts, the submission of our souls, the adoring reverence of our bodies, and the prayers of our lips. May this be a proper preparation for Your pure Nativity. May we be found worthy, on that holy day, for you to dwell in us through the Mystery of Your Sacred Body and Blood, as you dwelt in Your Mother’s womb for nine months. May we be enlightened by the announcement of Your holy angels, as were the humble shepherds. May we worship you with true spiritual adoration, as did the blessed Magi, when we offer You, not gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but faith, hope and warm love. May these virtues flourish in us and bring forth good works, pleasing to your will. To You be glory and thanks, to Your blessed Father, and to Your Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen

God sent his Son
God sent his only Son from heavens to the earth
as the light for all the world.
God’s Word has hid Himself in the Virgin Mary’s womb,
and from her He took his flesh.
His star was seen on high, shining brightly in the East,
as foretold in Balaam’s words.
Wise men, led by the star to the place where Jesus lay,
honored him with finest gifts.
Hal-lel. Hal-lel. Hal-lel-loonoh!
(Praise him! Praise him! Praise him, our Lord!)

This child Isaiah called “wonderful and Mighty God”
and proclaimed him as the Lord:
“Upon his shoulders rest full authority
and power over all the universe.”
In truth, he is the Word and the Voice of God above,
roaring with a lion’s strength.
Yet, as a gentle lamb, silently and peacefully,
he now dwells in Mary’s womb.
Hal-lel. Hal-lel. Hal-lel-loonoh!
(Praise him! Praise him! Praise him, our Lord!)

Nine months within her womb, Mary carried Christ,
our Lord, he who holds the universe.
She felt no weight at all she bore the mighty One.
Truly, he is God and man! Amazement filled the earth
since she had been made so pure, keeping her virginity:
Before the child was born, and at birth,
and afterwards, and for eternity.
Hal-lel. Hal-lel. Hal-lel-loonoh!
(Praise him! Praise him! Praise him, our Lord!)

His soul and body joined is a perfect unity
when he made the womb his home.
The oil of joy was poured by the Father from above
to anoint him as the Christ.
His life in Mary’s womb, his conception,
and his birth, these were great and wonderful.
We see the Spirit’s work in the Son of God
made man, as portrayed in Ephrem’s words.
Hal-lel. Hal-lel. Hal-lel-loonoh!
(Praise him! Praise him! Praise him, our Lord!)

We sing to you, O Lord. From you Mother you appeared;
truly God and truly man!
In You two natuers dwell; and in You two wills reside;
yet You are, in person, one.
We praise and give thanks, God the Father,
and the Son, and the Spirit, three in one.
O strong and Holy God, undivided Trinity,
you are blest from age to age.
Hal-lel. Hal-lel. Hal-lel-loonoh!
(Praise him! Praise him! Praise him, our Lord!)

Holy, holy, holy,
Holy, holy, holy, mighty Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your great glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who has come
and will come in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Have mercy on us, Almighty Father.
Have mercy on us
We praise you.
We bless you.
We adore you.
We glorify you.
We profess our faith in you and we ask you:
Have compassion on us, O God.
Have mercy on us and hear us.

Holy, holy, holy mighty Lord;
Only Son born of God the Father.
Holy, holy, holy mighty Lord;
Christ the true Light, who dawned from Mary.

Holy, holy, holy mighty Lord;
Who became man for our salvation.
Holy, holy, holy mighty Lord;
Who in flesh dawned upon creation

Holy, holy, holy saving Lord;
Angels came down and sang his praises.
Holy, holy, holy saving Lord;
Who is carried be blessed Mary.





I pray

Daily Prayer

Holy Spirit Prayers

Way of the Cross

Christmas Novena

WYD Songs